Reopening plan

Jan 14/21 update: I’m back to only seeing clients virtually 🙁


I hope everyone is doing as well as can be given the circumstances in which we all find ourselves.

It’s been a solid 3 months since I took my services entirely virtual and while this seems to have worked out quite well for some, I know others have been looking forward to resuming in-person sessions.

I am now preparing to resume my regular services at Sundragon Studios for those who wish to see me in person.

There have been a few protocols established to help ensure everyone stays safe and healthy:

  • everyone is asked to use the COVID-19 screening tool below before leaving home and to NOT COME IN if they answer “yes” to any of the questions
  • clients will be asked to enter the clinic as close as possible to their appointment time so as to limit the number of people in the waiting area
  • clients are asked to use the hand sanitizer provided upon entry
  • water coolers may be used to refill reusable water bottles; however disposable Dixie cups are not currently being provided
  • clients and staff are asked to wear masks in the common areas of the clinic, including the waiting and reception areas – these will not be provided, please bring your own mask
  • clients may choose to wear their mask in the treatment room, however I will not be wearing a mask during sessions – if you are not comfortable with this, I ask that you either delay booking in-person appointments or consider using the telephone or online options for sessions. You can find the Consent for Telehealth form under “Consent Forms” in the main menu on my website.
  • the room will be set up to ensure a maximum distance is maintained, however given the small size of the room it is not possible to guarantee a full 6-foot distance at all times
  • frequently-touched surfaces will be sanitized between appointments

Screening tool (adapted from

  1. Do you have a new onset of any of the following symptoms: fever/chills, cough, sore throat/hoarse voice, shortness of breath, loss of taste or smell, vomiting, or diarrhea?
  2. Do you have anew onset of 2 or more of any of the following symptoms: runny nose, muscle aches, fatigue, conjunctivitis (pink eye), headache, skin rash of unknown cause, nausea, or loss of appetite?
  3. Have you been in contact in the last 14 days with someone that is confirmed to have COVID-19?
  4. Have you had laboratory exposure while working directly with specimens known to contain COVID-19?
  5. Have you been in a setting in the last 14 days that has been identified by public health as a risk for acquiring COVID-19, such as on a flight, in a workplace with a cluster of cases, or at an event?
  6. Have you travelled outside of Manitoba in the last 14 days, excluding travel to western Canada, the territories, or Ontario west of Terrace Bay?

I would like to thank everyone for their patience over the past several months and sincerely hope that we will someday be able to return to “normal”. In the meantime, let’s all continue to do the best we can to get through one day at a time. 

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